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Curabitur viverra tincidunt arcu
3 Sep, 2020

23 Mar 2020

Thank you for your concerns about the potential threats to the Abbe supply chain as a result of the Coronavirus – COVID-19 outbreak.

Abbe is in a unique position to ensure your business’ surety of corrugated packaging supply:

1. We have multiple sites across two states that are capable of manufacturing corrugated packaging.

2. Our Business Continuity Plan already has comprehensive measures to deal with possible supply chain and manufacturing disruptions for reasons other than natural disasters and assists us to deal with the current situation.

3. In respect to our employees, we are strictly following the advice of Department of Health and Human Services Victoria relating to work, school and travel arrangements. We also have a formal risk mitigation strategy around hygiene in the workplace and measures to be activated, should suspected Coronavirus – COVIS-19 cases occur that affect our employees.

We acknowledge that the Coronavirus outbreak is unprecedented, and accordingly our risk mitigation strategies are constantly being reviewed and adapted where necessary, as and when new information becomes available.

All of the above gives us confidence that our supply of corrugated packaging into your business will not be affected by the current Coronavirus outbreak.

Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact Abbe – Operations Director 03 9301 8800 or email [email protected].
